House taking shape…
Work continues on the house. Boys bedrooms have just been plastered. Got professionals in and they did an excellent job. Can start thinking about paint colours. Exciting!
Karl conducted heating trials over Christmas, after connecting the underfloor heating to the boiler by installing the manifold. It works! What a relief. Lovely to hear the boiler working away, that alone makes you feel warmer.
Karl also working on the bathroom plumbing so that can be plasterboarded.
Work continues on the business plan whilst Victor naps! He’s having a good induction to church life by attending numerous meetings!
Looking forward to some spring cleaning. We are at maximum capacity with stuff and tools everywhere. Soon materials can start moving into place as the house takes shape and free up much valued space. Hoping to have a good sort out of all our stuff on the pews as after several years they are in quite a jumble. My ‘to do’ list getting longer…