
The last House walls to be plastered

Progress on the House took a big leap forward recently by having the upstairs walls plastered – the master bedroom and the bathroom. This marks the end of all the plastering in the House and it does make the House look a little more ‘finished’.
Plasterers Paul Nicoll and Chad Davies spent a few days here doing a wonderful job. It is not easy working here as they had to negotiate difficult to access areas, as well as having to spend a little more time and care to plaster up to original church features such as the large arch below.

The outside of the large arch area was plastered. This is accessed by a roof hatch on the landing, to stand on the ceiling of the new bedrooms. Looking through the windows you can see into the master bedroom (the original ‘gallery’). Again Paul and Chad did an excellent job of creating a neat edge butting up to the decorative arch without plastering over parts of it.

The bathroom was also plastered. The day we can have a long soak in the bath is a little nearer now!


Standing in the bathroom, you can see the bath… waiting… housed on the landing.

However the downside of this excellent progress is that my ‘to paint’ list has grown *sigh*

{Do see our Reccomendations page for Paul and Chad’s contact details if you ever need some plastering work – they sweep up after they’ve finished too!}