
the apple tree – may

The apple tree in the churchyard is smothered in blossom. During our time here, I don’t think it’s ever had so much blossom before. The tree is obviously benefiting from the extra light and air. It’s looking hopeful for a bumper crop of apples!
And underneath the apple tree grow Germander Speedwell, Bush Vetch, Herb Robert and Dandelion.

Many of the Dandelions have now gone to seed.
Looking at the gravestone behind, I have just noticed that Edward Langford Jones was a Christmas Day baby, and born just after the church was built and consecrated.

The apple tree in March : April

Joining in with Loose and Leafy’s Tree Following Project where lots of people are carefully observing trees all around the world – it makes an interesting read.

I am also ‘following a tree’ on my personal blog Slate Grey, Lime and Hay, where I’m observing a Hawthorn Tree in Powis Park (the field behind the church).