Today marks TEN years of being the proud, crazy, petrified, brave, naive, determined, eccentric and at times overwhelmed owners of Christ Church.
And what an amazing decade it’s been…
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013… |
There have been TEN years of hard graft, laughter, researching, carrying, planning, sweeping, hammering, rearranging, sawing, digging, wheelbarrowing, scaffolding, scraping, more sweeping, plastering, discussing, painting, birthing, hugging, more laughter and most importantly TEN years of love… for eachother and for Christ Church.
Surprisingly there hasn’t been as much arguing or tears as you might think undergoing such a project as this. Thankfully our bad days have been very few and far between.
Undeniably, restoring Christ Church has been far harder and bigger than we envisaged TEN years ago, but we have learnt and grown more because of that.
We have learnt the value of hard work, determination, integrity, design, heritage, thrift, quality and patience!
The past TEN years would have been a lot harder without the help and support of our friends and family for which we are very grateful.
TEN years seems rather a long time… yet it feels like we’ve barely started! So much still to do…