20 years!
This week we mark 20 years of Christ Church living. It is hard to believe that it has really been that long, especially when it feels like we still have so much to do. Yet thinking back, we have achieved a lot and it is these markers that make you realise just how much.
During those 20 years, we have halted the deterioration of Christ Church and re-opened it for public access. We have built a family home and enlarged the size of our family to three sons; one of whom, Owen, has flown the nest and is now doing up his own house in Leeds. Our middle son, Fred, is about to leave to study in America, so we are preparing for a lot of change in the next few weeks.
Whilst it has been 20 years of hard work, and there really is still so much to do, we are thriving. Christ Church has been very good to us, for which we are very grateful.