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    Evening light

    The sunlight through the clerestory window caught my eye one evening this week. I love the pattern of the glass reflecting off the wall, with all its handmade imperfections and even the grime adding to the effect! Image of the Week #34

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    Room with a view

    Whilst at a friends house yesterday, Karl took this photograph of the church from their dining room window. What a view, with Powis Castle behind. Image of the Week #32

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    Apologies for having two flower Image of the Week’s back to back, but the daffodils are looking quite splendid in the churchyard, that they really do deserve a mention. Most of the daffodils here have planted on graves many years ago. I particularly like the ones that pop up on an unmarked grave. They beautifully represent a precious memory. Image…

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    Searching for Spring

    It is very wet and blustery today and Spring still feels a long time in coming. We seem to be craving signs of spring at the moment, in the absence of warmer temperatures and sunshine. The churchyard is full of the song of the newly arrived Chiffchaffs which is very uplifting. Swallows were flying over Dairy Pool near Powis Castle…

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    Easter window

    Angels with Mary Magdalene at the Empty Tomb. A O Hemming, 1892. An Easter themed Image of the Week. This is a close up of a stained glass window in the North aisle. Wishing you all a good long Easter weekend. Ours consists of spending time with family, a couple of bracing walks, an egg hunt in the garden, followed…

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    No comet but a beautiful moon

    One very cold evening earlier this week, we went out into the churchyard comet spotting. Unfortunately we couldn’t see comet panSTARRS even though it was a beautifully clear sky. I think the hill and trees obscured our view but the trees did make some amazing silhouettes. The crescent moon was so sharp and crisp. Image of the Week #26

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    I photographed this view of Christ Church earlier this week, when there was a lovely low misty light that created some lovely silhouettes. I especially like the trees and you can just make out Powis Castle in the distance. I’m so glad that I took this picture when I did as the rest of the week has been the most…